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our textbooks

Textbooks used for teaching Chinese language in our school are: "New Practical Chinese Reader" "新实用汉语课本" Publishing Beijing Language and Culture University Press. This is a series consisting of 6 parts, developed jointly with HSK Guideline, preparing for the exam HSK - Chinese Proficiency Exam (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, The Chinese Proficiency Test). The aim of this series of books is to develop the ability to communicate using Chinese through learning of language structures, functions of language and related with them learning cultural knowledge, together with education skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese. Each lesson includes: text, new vocabulary, conversation, grammar, phonetics, pronunciation exercises, signs.

- “Język chiński na wesoło” is the perfect kit for children for learning the Chinese language. It contains color illustrations and interesting exercises to master the basics of the language. The book is designed for people who is starting school. It includes CD, necessary to learn the correct pronunciation. Both books IN POLISH!
- Series for beginners Kuaile Hanyu - The joy of Chinese Language is a series of books and materials for learning Chinese. Designed for students aged 9-16 years, for whose native language is Polish.
It corresponds to the level of development and needs of young people at this age. Handbook for students consists of 8 thematic modules:
- Me and you
- My family
- Food
- School and school life
- Time and weather
- Work
- Hobby
- Transport and travel